Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ball or Sleeve Bearing?

If you Google "Ball vs Sleeve Bearing", you'll likely come across a number of articles pertaining to computer fans and the dynamics of choosing between a ball and sleeve bearing cooling fan. Ball and sleeve bearings on a fireplace blower work much in the same way.  Like all things, there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

Ball Bearing Fireplace Blower

Advantages - Certainly the ball bearing's biggest advantage in fireplace blower applications is its ability to resist much higher temperature ranges than it's sleeve bearing counterpart. This is particularily true in wood burning applications where the temperatures are much higher.  Although there is some debate on the longevity of ball vs sleeve bearings, we've concluded a few things.  Most important of which is that the ball bearing units seem to last a bit longer - assuming of course the blower is properly maintained and cleaned.  There is literally no shaft play in the ball bearing units, while the sleeve bearing blowers tend to allow the fan cage to oscillate.  This has a tendency to prematurely wear out the sleeve bearing.

Disadvantages - Ball bearing blowers tend to cost a bit more.  Additionally, there is some evidence that the ball bearing blowers may be slighly louder than their sleeve bearing counterparts.  Although we haven't officially tested the sones or dB of each, you may notice a slight increase in noise.

Sleeve Bearing Fireplace Blower

Advantages - Sleeve bearings typically cost less and can often be more quiet.

Disadvantages - Less tolerance to heat, increased shaft play, and lower life expectancy.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call us directly at 262-989-4882 or visit us at http://www.fireplaceblowersonline.com/.

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